Me: "Who has the best seat in the house, me or daddy?"

Adam: "Well, Daddy's is nice, but yours is best. Your's is squishier."

Monday, March 28, 2011

Meat Group

 The weeks blur as they fly by. 
March has marched on through.  Weeks of rain and sour moods have
drained us all and the flu has made a messy visit.   
There has been little of cheer around here, as cabin fever takes over. 

But here is what coaxed a smile out of me this week... 

Tessa: "Is chicken a aminal and people kill them and eat them?"

Me:  "Yes, honey.  They are just like the chickens at auntie Kori's house. 
They are killed and the feathers are taken off, and then they are
brought to the store for people to buy."

Tessa:  "Well, it sure is good!"  (... thinking hard ...) 
"We got meat in us.  If we're gonna die, people could eat us! 
And we will be good too, cuz' we have meat in us!"

Shoyu Chicken

Boneless, skinless chicken thighs
Soy sauce

Fry the chicken in butter (yes, for real)
Mix equal parts sugar and soy sauce and add to the
 simmering chicken, until done.  Serve with rice.


Meteor magnets said...

Love the Tessa-isms! They always are filled with sweet Tessa Lee's personality! Hug & kiss that delectable chubby boy (Jonah) for me! Need to come by soon! Hopefully you are all on the mend & feeling well!

Jackie said...

I love Ethan's pinky up as he's drinking from his fancy cup in the background!
We're having messy flu too! I've been told when a kid goes to sleep sick to cover the floor with towels just in case. towels are easier to wash than carpeting! Yikes! (the floor in Grace's room is covered with blanket's right this night! Just thought you'd like to know right with ya there!)